Vale of Stars



Jene Halfner awaits the end of a hundred-year-long, deep-space colonization journey begun by her ancestors generations before. She has spent her life preparing for planetfall on Epsilon Eridani III, taking care of the growing number of victims of interstellar radiation aboard Ship.

What she will find upon arrival will change her perspective on life, and she and her descendants will live to face the incredible challenges their new world holds.

As generations pass, the women of the Halfner line uncover stunning secrets about their original mission, their new home on Epsilon Eridani III, and the future of the human race. Secrets that will challenge what they believe in, who they trust, and their perception of the ones the love.

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Product Details:

Author: Sean O’Brien

Publication Date:  Dececember 14, 2012


Paperback: $16.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $19.95

Electronic: $6.00

Print Length: 360 Pages

Publisher: JournalStone