Strange is the Night




Over cocktails an executive describes to a friend the disturbing history of a strangely potent guardian angel. A young mom tries to perfect and prolong her daughter’s childhood with obsessive parenting. A critic’s petty denouncement of an ingénue’s performance leads to a theatrical night of reckoning. A cult member makes nice for a parole board hearing years after committing an infamous crime.

A multiple Shirley Jackson Award nominee, S.P. Miskowski serves up an uncompromising collection of thirteen modern tales of desire and self-destruction. Strange is the Night offers further proof that Miskowski is—as Black Static book reviewer Peter Tennant notes—“one of the most interesting and original writers to emerge in recent years.”

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Product Details:

Author: S.P. Miskowski

Publication Date: October 13, 2017


Paperback: $16.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $19.95

Electronic: $7.95

Print Length: 252 Pages

Publisher: Trepidatio Publishing, an imprint of JournalStone


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