Soothing the Savage Swamp Beast

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Vogel and Aldert are a young couple trying to start life out right—something that’s easier said than done, especially when there’s a magic swamp nearby that turns whoever swims its murky waters into a freak obsessed with whatever their passion may be. When Aldert learns about a power-hungry, fiddle-playing maniac who wants to use the bog to his advantage, the couple find themselves being stalked by those infected by the swamp’s evil.

And let’s not forget the swamp’s star inhabitant: the slithery cow.

The super-intelligent, part-reptilian cow is privy to the metaphysical malevolence that’s unfolding. Can it use its telekinetic powers to save Vogel and Aldert, or is the couple already doomed to fall victim to their own vices? Either way, some beasts may be beyond redemption.

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Product Details:

Author: Zakary McGaha

Publication Date: April 12, 2019


Paperback: $11.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $14.95

Electronic: $2.95

Print Length: 116 pages

Publisher: Bizarro Pulp Press, an imprint of JournalStone