Necrosaurus Rex

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Necrosaurus Rex

Necrosaurus Rex tells the tale of Martin, a simple janitor, who takes an unfortunate trip through time, becomes a violent mutant, and the father of us all. There’s 14 billion years crushed inside these pages, and most of them are pretty nasty. 

This book is a jet black rumination on the concept of miracles and the creation of the universe, a narrative whose lineage exists somewhere between Moravagine, Maldoror, and David Copperfield.

Genesis, the Crucifixion, and Revelations reimagined as a transgressive nightmare.

This is Necrosaurus Rex.

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Product Details:

Author: Nicholas Day

Publication Date: December 7, 2014


Paperback: $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $12.99

Electronic: $2.99

Print Length: 80 Pages

Publisher: Bizarro Pulp Press – An Imprint of JournalStone Publishing