Hallowed Days




Hallowed Days is a collection of stories relating to two of the most iconic festivals of the year (as well as certain others). In “Pact of the Lantern,” a trio of goblins strike out against the old seasonal traditions. In “Krampusnacht,” a late-night holiday party devolves into an ancient winter custom of debauchery and dread. In “Eggshells,” a man reminisces with his brother over a childhood egg hunt, while a boy follows his father into a bald eagle preserve in “Eagle Lights.”

Through it all, the seasons will change, and nightmares will be had. Rituals play out, and demons are, perhaps, banished for a time.

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Product Details:

Author: Daniel Hale

Publication Date: November 20, 2020


Paperback: $15.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $18.95

Electronic: $5.95

Print Length: 158 pages

Publisher: JournalStone