Darkness Whispers



Darkness Whispers

Darkness Whispers will introduce you to the town of Windbrook, a sleepy little community nestled deep in the secluded Skullkin Valley of western Pennsylvania. All is well in Windbrook, just like usual, just like always. Nothing changes here, nothing is different.

Except… except today something is different. An old man with piercing gray eyes will arrive in town this morning. This man isn’t human. Not even close. And he isn’t coming alone. Death travels with him.

Richard Chizmar, award-winning author of A Long December, and Brian James Freeman, acclaimed author of The Painted Darkness, have combined forces to create an old-fashioned tale of horror, full of good and evil, with a breathtaking ending that will leave you wondering when this peculiar old man might be coming for you.


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Product Details:

Author: Richard Chizmar and Brian James Freeman

Publication Date: June 16, 2017


Paperback: $14.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $17.95

Electronic: $3.95

Print Length: 160 Pages

Publisher: JournalStone


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