Dark Blood Comes from the Feet




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“Careful, or you might cut yourself on these stories—little gems with sharp edges which deserve to be treasured alongside the jewels of Shirley Jackson and Sylvia Townsend Warner—in the tradition of the illuminating dark.” —M. Rickert, World Fantasy Award-winning author of You Have Never Been Here


“Gibbon is a compelling new voice in horror. Part punk, part metal, part crooner, her work resonates beautifully.” —Catherynne M. Valente, New York Times / USA Today bestselling author of Space Opera and Deathless

Dark Blood Comes from the Feet is a strange and eclectic collection of seventeen stories from horror author and speculative poet Emma J. Gibbon. Within its pages, you will meet secret societies who contract deadly diseases on purpose, dancers helping each other avoid “below,” monstrous children who must be loved before they return to the sea, a taxidermy-obsessed mother, small blue devils in the Maine woods, a black cat that retrieves the dying, the last witch in Florida, and “a huge fucking dog of potentially supernatural origin.” Visit haunted houses, a Hollywood nightclub, limbo, Whitechapel, and other stops on a death tour, and a childhood hangout that spells destruction for kids and dogs alike. Listen to a punk rock sermon in a post-apocalyptic matriarchal society, witness crustaceans that have trouble staying dead, a cannibalistic romance, a gothic love story to tuberculosis and a downtrodden wife’s transformation.

“Visceral, searing, and whimsical all at once, Emma J.  Gibbon’s work somehow combines and carries on the bloodlines of Shirley Jackson, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, and Johnny Rotten. Dark Blood Comes from the Feet is a perfect rainy-day read. The Mary Poppins of Horror has arrived!” —Morgan Sylvia, author of Abode


“Gibbon invites us to macabre destinations, including a strip club in Purgatory, a Lovecraftian orphanage, and a day at the beach that would make Cronenberg proud. In this collection of short stories, we meet relatable characters in horrific situations, and may even recognize ourselves among the pages.” —Michelle Renee Lane, Bram Stoker Award®-nominated author of Invisible Chains

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Product Details:

Author: Emma J. Gibbon

Publication Date: May 22, 2020


Paperback: $15.95 plus $3.00 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $18.95

Electronic: $5.95

Audio: $19.95

Print Length: 166 pages

Publisher: Trepidatio Publishing, an imprint of JournalStone