Terence, Mephisto, and Viscera Eyes




Terence, Mephisto, and

Viscera Eyes


The Slave State: A place where dogs tire of their lovesick masters and compose novels for benign publishers. A place where love and murder are equally important to the development of young men. A place where everyone is a slave to their minds and their hearts. From one of literature’s most daring writers, Chris Kelso invites you to explore his mind-bending universe with nine short stories—a collection that challenges the boundaries of genre and the limits of the heart.

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Product Details:

Author:   Chris Kelso

Publication Date:   September 9, 2014


Paperback: $9.99 plus $3.60 shipping, handling and sales tax. Total Price $13.59

    Electronic:    $2.99

Print Length:   152 Pages

Publisher:  Bizarro Pulp Press – An Imprint of JournalStone Publishing